Kellee Maize with her video "Dancing with Lightning." And Demi's "Neon Lights," both artists have neon highlights either in body paint as in Kellee's video or neon lipstick and nail polish, as in Demi's. All brightened with the black light which pops bright and white colors. See for yourself and let me know which on you like most.

I love the line "you're all i see in all these places, you're all i see in all these faces, so lets pretend we're running out of time." Make the most of your time and follow your heart is the message I interpret. "Baby when they look up at the sky. We'll be shoot stars passing by. You'll be coming home with me tonight" is just sensual enough not to be over the top. "Be still my heart, cuz it's freaking out." This are super relatable lyrics and emotions most people can identify with. Mixed with a great dance track and Demi has herself a hit.
If you are frequency matching with this drop a line in the comments and tell me how. Are you liking this conscious music blog? And which video was your fav? Would love to hear from you. Blessings and Beets/ Beats.