Santa Barbara based Conscious Music Artisit, David Segall has embarked on an epic Europe musical tour. I caught up with David right before he left for the tour. See the interview below as he takes a break from packing on his sail boat to chat with me about his musical influences as well as all the projects he has going on.
You can help David along his joinery in Europe by contributing to his crowdfunding campaign. There are some pretty nice perks including sailing adventures and yoga classes. Stay tuned to David as he just started the "Soul of the World" video series that documents his travels in Eurpoe as well as lessons he's learned along the way.
Donate to David Segall's crowd funding campaign.
"Godspeed" is David Segalls brand new music video! Inspired by a 30 ft sail boat his band use to play on, Godspeed embodies the relaxed sailing life David leads.
Purchase David's Music on itunes!
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It met Zephan when I went to Blush Restaurant on State Street to take pictures at a networking event. Immediately when I walked in I heard his voice. I had to see who was producing such a sound. I stepped out onto the patio to see Zephan was playing his guitar for his resident Tuesday and Wednesday night spot.
After a few moments of observing Zephan I knew my real purpose of being there. It wasn't just to shoot an event, it was also to do what I enjoy. Which is capturing on video amazingly talented upcoming artists and promotion them online. After the event was done I had a chance to get a real feel for Zephan's music. With song titles "Heart and Soul" and "Sentient Soldiers" I knew he is part of my tribe. His message is a shared one amongst the conscious tribe. Which is promoting love for yourself and others. Which is why his band name is Zephan and the Tribe. Zephan couples up beat tunes with conscious positive lyrics and messages throughout all his songs. His voice is professionally seasoned with a unique sound that melts and uplifts your heart. He has even been sought after from the producers of the singing competition TV show, The Voice to audition multiple seasons over. For whatever reason singing competition shows are not part of Zephan's plan. He hopes to rise in the music scene the organic way by starting to build his following from the local level first. Zephan and the Tribes CD release party for the album Sounds of the Soul will be held Saturday January 16th 2016 at the historic El Paseo Restaurant in downtown Santa Barbara. Check out the facebook event page. Sometimes you go to a show just to hear that one song you needed to hear. I had never heard of Hirie until looking them up and listening to them right before the show that Rainbow Girls opened for. I actually didn't really like Reggae music before this show either. Yet the combination of the female lead's voice and the Reggae Pop sound got me instantly hooked. Sorry Rainbow Girls but I actually even like Hirie a little more than the local fav Rainbow Girls. This sound is something I can get behind and feel completely me listening to all day. halleluiah As I did before the show just enough to know some lyrics and look like a real fan on the dance floor. Now I am a real fan. There was one song at the end of their playlist on the website that was exactly what I needed to hear. "If You Love Me Back" it encompassed what I was going through at the moment and helped me heal even more deeply into that subject. Hirie's music is great to listen to as it lift your spirits. Clayton Joseph Scott Band is now Brightside![]() Clayton Joseph Scott Band is now renamed to Brightside. Brightside's music is for sure sunny! Their feel good lyrics and reggae pop sounds are sure to put you in a good mood. Hailing from Venice Beach the music reflects the surf and sand lifestyle in LA. They are great during a live show as their jam band style comes out extending the songs to really let you feel the music and dance it out. Other members of the band include lead guitarist, Daniel "Knoscious" Krieger who is also a member of the band The Luminaries, who had great success with songs about Peace and Hemp. Together Clayton and Daniel also work with the Conscious event production team LuFamPro, that produces a weekly music show at a bar with kombucha on tap. See more about the band on their website below. Shylah Ray Sunshine![]() As a young mother of two she has already worked with bands such as The Luminaries, Cipes and the People, as well as Elijah Ray and the Band of Light. Her song "Existence" is featured in a social documentary about the lives of women teaching yoga in India, called "Shakti: The Power of Woman." She's an accomplished powerful singer songwriter who has even tried out for The Voice. As her voice is unique and sultry she serenades you to a remembrance of your soul. No topic is too taboo for Shylah to sing about. Take for example the song Sacredness, it's all about menstrual blood. Giving a voice for women to something that is so natural yet is silenced in society as something too gross to talk about, let alone create a tune around. Yet Shylah did just that. Encouraging us to honor our bodies and cycles, "Sacredness" gives women permission to soak up the essence of self. To listen to more of Shylah's Music check out
Kute Blackson is in a Genre all His OwnInspirational coach and speaker Kute Blackson puts out spoken word music that heals the soul, and at the same time promotes his work as a coach. His breakout track "The Miracle Is You" dives into the science of how the physical body and spirit of our cells are frankly a miracle. Positive spoken word accompanied with graceful strings and instrumental harmonies, creates a sound that is beyond empowering. Watch the Interview with Kute about his music and coaching. My favorite thing to do while listening to Kute's musical spoken word poetry, is driving. Especially when I'm on a trip going for a long drive. To learn more visit Kute's site. ![]() Nakho and Medicine for the People. Last year at the annual Lucidity Festival they performed a truly amazing set. This was the fest time I saw the band in person and only recently had I been introduced to them. I was vaguly familiar with Nahko from the epic music video, Aloha Ke Akua, which is filled with nature images of divine spirit. Nahko transcends the bridge of spiritual music and mainstream. This type of music fuels your soul like a hug from a good friend. If you like his music then you resonate with it on a soul level and feel connected at a core level to this tribe. Love the tribe or loath it, you are connected. In whatever form you show up in, you are connected. The tribe may appear like a washed up 60s hippie band, or wearing the latest counter culture trends. Such as a woven beanie or the popular long haired man bun(s). The crystals and feather earrings with a scarf and fedora. Or maybe your tribe-ness is less expressed from your outward style appearance, and instead it emerges from your inward being radiating love and light. However you show up, if you stayed and loved Nahko, you know you are part of this tribe. I could feel that at Nahkos 2014 Lucidity performance. It didn't matter if half the crowd was on some kind of drug induced trip or if you were life high, the crowd was connected. I could tangibly feel this. We were connect on the same level, same field. We were riding the same wave on the same high that is Nahko's music. The words, lyrics and melodies bring up the awareness of community connection. Themes of interconnected ness to nature and striving to improve the environment ecologically. socially, and politically, arise from each cord. If you have yet to hear a note I highly suggest taking a listen, a breath in and open up into the nurtured soul music of Nahko. It completely sums up the spiritual counterculture of today who isn't into the hype or bs. They aren't the airy fairy hopeful duds who sit on their ass and meditate the day away. The ones that listen to Nahko actually give a sh*t and do something about it. They change the world while Nahko opens our hearts and reflects back what's in our soul. If you feel it you know. You're in the tribe. As Nahko doesn't skirt around the issues, his story is deep and raw with a fine finishing of freedom within spirit. ![]() Summer is wrapping up and fall is approaching. Summer season is normally associated with light hearted care free activities while Fall is more rooted in the earthly hazards of life. The Fall and Winter seasons can be tremulous for some. The first verse of this song completely describes my October last year. Upon first hearing these words I couldn't help but cry. I had gone through a traumatic break up and move during last October that took me a while to get back on my feet from. I'm still gaining balance emotionally from all the surprise bombs and memories. Like the homeless man's story in the music video, too didn't know where I was going to stay from night to night. Fortunately for me I never had to resort to sleeping in a grave yard as there was always a friends couch to crash on or a yoga room to sleep in. I knew immediately once this readjustment phase started that it was going to be hard to get through but that I was going through it for a reason. I felt like this was my true testimony to God that I will always be taken care of even when I was at rock bottom. Four times it came down to the wire of having to move from where I was staying and not knowing what was next or where to go. And then like magic out of no where the perfect opportunities came up for me to take. Going from the last day at a place not knowing where to go next, to moving day and a place suddenly being available for me. It was something I couldn't have planned, only God could have lined up for me. That happened because I believed and trusted I would be taken care of. Fall can be painful and bring loss. As we brace ourselves for similar potential energies this Fall I would hold onto this song in your playlists. Here is "Just Fall" by Anthem Lights. Just Fall Official Lyric VideoWhile watching the Official Music Video and hearing that man's story, not only did I relate but heard my own call from God to do more for helping others. People who are close to me and those I have yet to meet through offering my services and talents in business. This has to be the most powerful music video I have seen in a while. It helps to have a mini documentary spliced in and tied to the song. The main message here is to surrender your troubles to God, who will break your fall and line things up for you to be taken care of. Enjoy your Fall! Just Fall Official Music Video![]() My two fav female artist one from the mainstream pop world, Demi Lovato and the other from the conscious crew, Kellee Maize have both come out with videos recently about light! Yes there is light at the end of the tunnel! Both sides of the music spectrum are getting it. They have seen the light and are daning in it! Metaphorically and litterally. In their videos they both dance in the neon light. Kellee Maize with her video "Dancing with Lightning." And Demi's "Neon Lights," both artists have neon highlights either in body paint as in Kellee's video or neon lipstick and nail polish, as in Demi's. All brightened with the black light which pops bright and white colors. See for yourself and let me know which on you like most. ![]() I like how Demi has showcased a song and video within the mainstream that isn't scandalous and sounds amazing! It's a great dance track that has lyrics I wouldn't mind repeating. It's not blatant negative programing or over sexualized. Go Demi! that's a hard thing to do and get away with in the mainstream. Demi is not like her counter parts such as Miley Syrus. She has some how been able to successfully sing on carrying positive messages throughout. This video shows a matchure Demi that has grown from a child star to respectable female pop star. I like her progression into this awesome dance sound in a lyrically clean way. And notice she didn't have to dress skimpy or do crude acts to get there. She's just herself. I love the line "you're all i see in all these places, you're all i see in all these faces, so lets pretend we're running out of time." Make the most of your time and follow your heart is the message I interpret. "Baby when they look up at the sky. We'll be shoot stars passing by. You'll be coming home with me tonight" is just sensual enough not to be over the top. "Be still my heart, cuz it's freaking out." This are super relatable lyrics and emotions most people can identify with. Mixed with a great dance track and Demi has herself a hit. As for Miss Kellee Maize. Female rapper google superstar. She's representing the conscious crew having LED hula hoopers in the video. Peace signs, hearts, buterflies, diamonds and tribal art are drawn on bodies with the neon paint. It has a nice low beat without being dub step. The chorus is cool saying that they like to do things that are exciting that might scare others. In a sense that is the conscious path. It's scary to face the forces of mother nature, a.k.a life; light. As when there is light it expose the darkness much more clearly and quickly. She is danincing with lightning. She has her own control over this force, she has over come the natural fears. "Let's frequency match" my fav line. If you are frequency matching with this drop a line in the comments and tell me how. Are you liking this conscious music blog? And which video was your fav? Would love to hear from you. Blessings and Beets/ Beats. Dear Hollywood, The Lights are Calling!![]() Anthem Lights that is. The band is calling you out! The four man singing group is asking for Hollywood to be more in the light! I mean come on, Los Angeles, it's the City of Angels yet produces so many vampire shows and horror movies. Its where artists go to make their dreams come true yet so many are crushed. They continue waiting tables for a living instead of having their passion profit. It's a big sprawling city with many neon lights, it doesn't get too dark. Yet the dark side is always shown on the silver screens. Unnecessary vulgarity, violence and negativity shows up in the movies, music, and celebrity puffing that Hollywood produces. It's rare to find a direct positive message or movement coming out of the content produced there. Yet that's not as rare when you listen to music from bands like Anthem Lights on stations such as Air 1; the positive alternative. You have to know where to look for that. Hence why I have created this site, Conscious Content, for you to find content that is uplifting. In college I had the amazing opportunity to attend a sustainability projects class. My teacher continually told us how we as California students have an edge of influence on the world as they look here for what's cool and what on trend. If the trend that we set is one of caring for the environment and all things related, we would have a huge influence, especially when put in the media. Because as the song says "Dear Hollywood, there's so much good that you could do. With so many eyes watching you." One of the most powerful lines in the song, "Broken hearted but pretending that you're alright. Lived out every dream but something's missing." I've followed this band for some time as a fan. They create amazing vocal harmonies in their covers of popular songs. Covering mostly in unique acapella and mash up versions. As I fan I had to comment right away. I posted the following on their youtube lyric video "I've been waiting for this!! Awe it makes me cry. The lyrics are so powerful and on point! Way to go guys! I hope this gets lots of views and in the news!" And notice the angel number in the length of this video, 4:44. The meaning behind 444 according to Doreen Virtue's book "Angel Numbers" is "444 — Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well." The angels support this message and this band! And you should to. Share the message! Spread it! Re-create Hollywood. We can do it. And we can start with youtube, public access and creating you own content. At least on social media we can control what is presented and posted :) In light and Love - Melissa Laine. |
Melissa MaA muse for amusing meaningful music. Archives
September 2016