The first verse of this song completely describes my October last year. Upon first hearing these words I couldn't help but cry.
I had gone through a traumatic break up and move during last October that took me a while to get back on my feet from. I'm still gaining balance emotionally from all the surprise bombs and memories. Like the homeless man's story in the music video, too didn't know where I was going to stay from night to night. Fortunately for me I never had to resort to sleeping in a grave yard as there was always a friends couch to crash on or a yoga room to sleep in.
I knew immediately once this readjustment phase started that it was going to be hard to get through but that I was going through it for a reason. I felt like this was my true testimony to God that I will always be taken care of even when I was at rock bottom. Four times it came down to the wire of having to move from where I was staying and not knowing what was next or where to go. And then like magic out of no where the perfect opportunities came up for me to take. Going from the last day at a place not knowing where to go next, to moving day and a place suddenly being available for me. It was something I couldn't have planned, only God could have lined up for me. That happened because I believed and trusted I would be taken care of.
Fall can be painful and bring loss. As we brace ourselves for similar potential energies this Fall I would hold onto this song in your playlists. Here is "Just Fall" by Anthem Lights.