July 1st 2010,
I’ve been listening to mainstream radio a lot in the car. I have been living in the LA area so I’m in the car a lot. But I have been missing something, my Spirit Music! There is no Air 1 in LA, or if there is I haven’t found it yet. That is the station I listen to on the radio to get my positive music. So far I don’t know of a Conscious Music Artist Station, so I just may create it J. I’ve been thinking about using my youtube video channel, Conscious Content TV to showcase more Conscious Music Artists. So I got up today thinking, hey I should listen to some more positive music. I want to listen to some Christian Music. I kind of want to go to a Christian Concert. What about a Christian Music festival? Are there any coming up soon? What is a festival that I know of? Oh Spirit West Coast.
I jumped online to Spirit West Coast’s website and bu bam! It’s today. The first day of the festival started today Thursday July 1st! Ok I have to go how am I going to get in? Media Pass, perfect then I can get some positive music musicians, great. I went on to the site and click on media. I e-mailed and called. No response but I did find out that they were looking for mainstream media news coverage. Ok on to Plan B. Hey the band Number One Gun is going to be there maybe I can do a feature on them. A few phone calls later and I have a pass! Woohoo. Basically an instant manifestation.
July 3rd 2010,
Spirit totally lined everything up. I thought I was just going to be filming Number One Gun, turns out spirit had bigger plans for me. I ended up filming 8 interviews. At the end of the festival I had time to watch a worship band, take reflection and thanks.
Listen to the Conscious Music Artist Playlist here
Watch the Spirit West Coast Playlist here